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Following is a rundown of the Conference program elements

A more detailed summary of program timing can be found below

Friday May 4, 2018
3:00 pm

Come Back! … I Need You!

Joseph Boutros DTM

Joseph will explain why you should ensure members come back to every club meeting.  Is this selfish?  He will share why this perspective is important for you and for your club.  You will be surprised just how UN-selfish this is
5:30 pm Power of Youth Young speakers will amaze you with their confidence, eloquence, view of the world and hopes for a greater tomorrow.  We present a showcase of school age speakers
7:50 pm Candidates Showcase Listen to the interview of candidates standing for elected offices (2018/2019)... District Director, Program Quality Director, Club Growth Director and Division Directors
9:00 pm

Fun 'n Games

The World's Worst Evaluators

Mark D'Silva DTM and Steve Howard DTM

Evidence suggests that the greatest “turn-off” for Toastmasters members and visitors is poor evaluation.  Mark and Steve demonstrate how NOT to present evaluations when they metamorphose into the world’s worst evaluators.  Laugh while you learn in this audacious presentation.  Warning:  Do not expect political correctness.  This forum exposes the unpleasant characteristics of the WORLD’S WORST EVALUATORS.
Saturday May 5, 2018
*** Pathways Information Booth

If you have any questions about PATHWAYS – get them answered here at the Conference. Pathways Guides will be in attendance at the Information Booth and will be happy to provide any information you require. Or if you would simply like to learn more about the exciting new Toastmasters program, they will be happy to do that as well.

8:00 am District Council Meeting During the District Council meeting, members of the District Executive Committee, Club Presidents and Club Vice Presidents (or their proxy holder) vote on matters relating to the management of District 90.  They also elect the District Director, Program Quality Director, Club Growth Director and Division Directors for the coming year.
10:30 am

Change?  Bring It On Baby!

Jennifer Long VC1

Change can be dramatic and demand that we radically alter how we think or work. We may feel uncomfortable. We may be scared. We may resist.  At other times change sneaks up on us like a thief in the night. It might surprise us. We might only recognise it when we view it in retrospect.  In this interactive session you will learn about the key features of change and some strategies for managing the change process.
10:30 am UP UP Demonstration Meeting

UP UP is a special needs club celebrating its seventh year following the Toastmasters educational program with inspirational results. Conference attendees are welcome to come along to this special UP UP demonstration meeting to see the club in action. Community based, UP UP is an open membership club which embraces integration, respect and persistence in our pursuit of speaking, leadership and fun.

12:00 pm Awards & Recognition Lunch Over lunch we present some of our most prestigious awards to recognise achievements over the past six months.  The are awards presented to individuals including those who achieved the Distinguished Toastmaster Award, Years of Service Awards (up to 50 years).  For clubs, we recognise achievements including the public relations award, clubs that attained 10 Distinguished Club Program goals over 10 or more consecutive years, the Travel Gavel.
2:15 pm

The Art of Public Speaking

Mohammed Qahtani ACG, ALB

Most successful people can voice their opinion.  In this presentation Mohammed Qahtani, the winner of the World Championship of Public Speaking 2015, will discuss the steps to an effective speech.  The speech will touch people’s heart and have them buy into your ideas.
3:15 pm

Mentoring in Leadership

Mike Storkey DTM
Immediate Past President Toastmasters International

A leader is not a “one man band”. Leadership is all about teamwork. An effective leader is one who can best utilise the skills of the team he or she leads. The most important member of a leader’s team are his or her mentors.  The purpose of this session is to emphasize the importance of not taking your leadship journe alone.
6:00 pm District 90 International Speech Contest Join us to see the best speakers in District 90 vie for the honour of being our representative at the World of Public Speaking, Toastmasters International Convention, Chicago, August 2018.  'Dress to the Nines'.  Our theme this year is:  Our Members Our Heartbeat.  We invite you to adopt our theme colours by dressing in red and yellow.

Keynote Address:  Should I Quit?

Mohammed Qahtani ACG ALB

Throughout the journey to reach our goals we will fall more than once.  There will be times when we think to ourselves "Maybe I should quit” Is there a right time to quit?  In this session, Mohammed will share his Toastmaster journey.  This includes the many times he thought he should quit and the reasons that kept him going.
Sunday May 6, 2018
7:30 am Meet the New Team Breakfast The District Director Elect (DDE) will present a first official address to District.  The DDE will also introduce members of next year's team.  This includes the Senior Management Committee, District Managemet Committee and District Executive Committee and key Staff Officers.
9:30 am

Desire to Mission

Mohammed Qahtani ACG, ALB

Everyone wants to be successful in life.  Do we know what being successful is or how we achieve success?  Qahtani introduces the seven steps to achieve this.  He includes how to transition from one step to the next step.
10:30 am

Two Demented Toastmasters' View of Leadership

Lesley Storkey DTM and
Mike Storkey DTM

Many leaders get so involved in the tasks, they fail to enjoy the experiences of leadership.  Mike and Lesley will take you on a demented Toastmasters’ journey through their leadership opportunities.  This humorous look at the highs and lows that you will encounter on your individual leadership journey is intended to strengthen your resolve to step up to be a leader.
11:30 am Evaluation Contest and Farewell Lunch Our final event.  Listen to the message of our 'test speaker'.  Listen as the contestant from each Division delivers their evaluation.  Then, learn who is the premier evaluator in District 90.


More detailed timing of program elements

FRIDAY 4 May 2018

2:00 pm   Registrations Open
3:00 pm   Education Session : Come Back, I Need You! – Joseph Boutros
5:00 pm   Registrations Open
  Listen to the interview of candidates standing for elected offices (2018/19)... District Director, Program Quality Director, Club Growth Director and six Division Directors
  Young speakers will amaze you with their confidence, eloquence, view of the world and hopes for a greater tomorrow.  We present a showcase of school age speakers. People are seated in tables of 10 and dinner is provided.

SATURDAY 5 May 2018

6:45 am   Past District Director/Governors Breakfast
7:00 am   Registration Desk and Voting Desks open
8:00 am   DISTRICT COUNCIL MEETING  (including banner parade)
  During the District Council meeting, members of the District Exectuive Committee, including Club Presidents and Club Vice Presidents (or their proxy holders) vote on matters relating to the management of Distict 90. They also elect the District Director, Program Quality Director, Club Growth Director and Division Directors for the coming year.
10:30 am   Education Session :  Change? Bring it on, Baby! – Jennifer Long
10:30 am   UP UP Club Demonstration Meeting 
11:30 am   Registration Desk opens
  Over lunch, we present some of our most prestigious awards to recognise achievements over the past six months. The awards are presented to individuals including those who achieved Distinguished Toastmaster, Years of Service Awards (up to 50 years).  For clubs, we recognise achievements including the public relations awards, clubs that attained 10 Distinguished Club Program goals over 10 or more consecutive years, the Travel Gavel.
1:00 pm   Registration Desk Opens
2:15 pm   Education Session :  The Art of Public Speaking – 2015 World Champion of Public Speaking Mohammed Qahtani
3:15 pm   Education Session :  Mentoring in Leadership – 2017/2018 President of Toastmasters International Mike Storkey
4:15 pm   Briefings, International Speech Contest
4:30 pm   Registration Desk opens
5:00 pm   Past District Director/Governor Briefing for Incoming District Director
5:30 pm   Cocktails & finger food (cash bar)
  Join us to see the best speakers in District 90 vie for the honour of being our representative at a semi-final round in the World Championship of Public Speaking leading up to Toastmasters International Convention 2018 in Chicago. Dress to the nines. Our theme this year is: Our Members Our HeartbeatFor the Gala Dinner we invite you to adopt our theme colours by dressing in red and Yellow.
  KEYNOTE ADDRESS :  Desire to Mission – 2015 World Champion of Public Speaking Mohammed Qahtani

SUNDAY 6 May 2018

7:00 am   Registration Desk Opens
7:30 am   BREAKFAST :  Meet the New Team
  The District Director Elect will present a first official address to District and will introduce members of next year's team.  This includes the Senior Management Committee, District Managemet Committee and District Executive Committee and key Staff Officers.
8:30 am   Briefings, Evaluation Contest

9:15 am

  Education Session : Should I Quit? Highlights • overcoming rough start • learning from your mistakes • realising the big dream • set yourself a target – 2015 World Champion of Public Speaking Mohammed Qahtani
10:15 am   Education Session : Two Demented Toastmasters' View of Leadership – Lesley Storkey & Mike Storkey
11:00 am   Registration Desk Opens
  You and the Division Evaluation Contest winners will listen to the 'test' speaker. Then you will hear those Toastmasters give valuable advice and insight to the speaker.  The District Director hosts the Farewell Luncheon in one of her last major roles of the year.

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