Club Leadership Training occurs from June through August and December through February each year. Details of sessions can be found on the What's On page here.
A workbook will be available for download here when available. More information on first round sessions 2021-2022 can be found here..
You get to network with other leaders; make connections, observe, debunk myths, and learn more about leadership and your role. You might even learn about career opportunities. Interaction with officers from other clubs is invaluable.
It's a resume item. Do you have a Professional Development or Training section on your resume? "Toastmasters Leadership Training" would look pretty good in that section.
Been there, done that, many times over? Share your wisdom and experience with newer members and officers. Challenge yourself to learn something new and teach something new. Want to present a session? Just ask!
Attending shows your commitment to the continued health and strength of your club and to your officer role, that you take it seriously. You'll lead other officers and members by example.
One terrific idea gained or one new officer helped makes training worthwhile.
You may have opportunities to visit parts of the Districtyou've never been to and meet other Toastmasters you wouldn't normally get to know.
You'll gain suggestions, inspiration, best practices, and ideas for doing the best job possible as an elected officer so that all club members have the best experience they can:
Training helps the officers build a vision
Training helps to build better officer skills
Training helps officers learn how to use resources more effectively
Training provides the basics for officers to develop action plans
Your club gains a point toward the Distinguished Club designation as long as a minimum of four officers from your club are trained in a given round of training. Want to reach all the way to President's Distinguished? It's hard to reach that goal without meeting the training goal in each round.
Clubs that get their officers trained perform better than clubs that don't.
Well-trained officer teams understand their roles, plan for success together, and strengthen team relationships. You'll build team cohesiveness with your club, Area, Division and District members.
If you are pursuing higher leadership awards, and ultimately Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM), you need to be trained to earn the Advanced Leader bronze (ALB) award.
You learn about other clubs, areas, and the bigger picture of Toastmasters.
Training is not only for current club leaders; it is for anyone who may be interested in becoming a club officer in the future or those club members who just want to learn more about our wonderful organization – Toastmasters International.
Newly-elected club officers gain training on how to best serve their clubs
You will participate in engaging educational sessions and workshops.
You'll learn new tips and skills to use in your career and for professional and personal development.
It's fun! Participate in fun activities to keep you engaged and balance out a day of awesome experiences!
Thanks to Sam and Stephen Doyle from Blue Gum Flat Toastmasters for their efforts to make this video possible.
The information on this website is for the sole use of Toastmasters' district leaders, for Toastmasters business only. It is not to be used for solicitation and distribution of non-Toastmasters material or information. All rights reserved. Toastmasters International, the Toastmasters International logo and all other Toastmasters International trademarks and copyrights are the sole property of Toastmasters International and may be used only by permission.